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The dlin 1.0

What is dlin 1.0?

A starry night sky.

Starting in May 2023, I have made a conscious effort to prioritise my time and focus on the things that hold personal value to me. I have identified the following areas as significant aspects of my life:

  1. Health: Taking care of my physical and mental well-being through exercise, healthy habits, and self-care.
  2. Personal Development: Engaging in continuous learning, acquiring new skills, and working towards personal growth.
  3. Family: Prioritising quality time with family members, and fostering a supportive and loving environment.
  4. Friendship: Nurturing and maintaining meaningful relationships with friends, investing time in fostering strong connections.
  5. Love Life: Cultivating a fulfilling and loving relationship, creating space for romance and emotional connection.
  6. Career: Focusing on professional growth, pursuing opportunities that align with my passions and goals.
  7. Contribution: Making a positive impact on others and society through volunteering, acts of kindness, and giving back.
  8. Finance: Managing my financial resources wisely, setting goals, and working towards financial stability and security.
  9. Home Space: Creating a comfortable and inviting living environment that reflects my personal style and promotes well-being.
  10. Fun: Engaging in activities that bring joy and happiness, seeking out experiences that enrich my life.

By aligning my time and actions with these values, I aim to shape myself into the person I aspire to be.

The 1.0 version timeline: 2023-2028.